Monday, February 1, 2010

Cashmere dreams

Kilo is starting to let go of his coat. Good thing we got the stanchion built. I made a little donation to Fias Co Farm in thanks for the plans they posted on line, which we managed to adapt to the materials we had available, such as a helpful chocolate Lab.

This year, we're going to tackle this cashmere harvesting thing in an organized and methodical way. Yes sirree Bob. Those goats won't know what hit them. Wait - what am I talking about? We are about to set them up on a comfortable, dedicated stand, provide them with a personal serving of healthy and tasty treats, and lavish them with love and attention for a half hour at a time. Peace and love, my brothers. I mean like - wow - do I ever want to be a goat.

Meanwhile, we are plowing through last year's cashmere a microgram at a time, removing the nasty guard hairs that got in there partly because we waited a little too long to collect the last of this precious fibre. Check out the before and after photos of cashmere as we "de-hair" it. You can see the guard hairs in the un-dehaired sample.

What you can't tell from the photo of the finished bag is that, when you put your hand in there, you can't feel anything, just a warm sensation and an immense sense of cosmic well-being.

I'm telling you, forget chicken soup - you need a goat for your soul.

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